GP Extended Hours
Practice Extended Hours
Each Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday morning (from 07:30 until 07:50) we offer a number of early morning extended hours appointments - for those wishing to get to work or for those who might not be available during the normal working day. To book these you must go through the Telephone Triage system asking for "an early morning or late Thursday evening Extended Access Appointment", the Doctor or Advanced Nurse Practitioner will call you back and, if appropriate and available, offer you one of these appointments.
- Tuesday Morning 07:30 - 08:00 last appointment 07:50 - usually 2 Doctors
- Wednesday Morning 07:30 - 08:00 last appointment 07:50 - usually 2 Doctors
- Friday Morning 07:30 - 08:00 last appointment 07:50 - usually 2 Doctors
IHL Extended Access Centre
The Improving Health Limited (IHL) Extended Primary Care Service (EPCS), provides extra Doctor and Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) appointments.
This service is delivered from either the Tessa Jowell Center in East Dulwich or the Lister Primary Care Centre in Peckham.
The EPCS is open 08:00 – 20:00, 7 days a week but it is NOT a walk in centre.
You may be offered an appointment at this EPCS when there are none available at our Practice. It is strongly advised that you take up the offer of the appointment at this EPCS as this will be the quickest or earliest chance for you to see a Doctor or ANP.
Doctors and nurses at the EPCS can access a patient’s full medical records (with the patient’s consent) to be able to offer the right care and treatment.
IHL also has a number of slots where they will ring you back to discuss your matters (similarly like our Doctors do here) and again if deemed appropriate they will offer you an appointment direct and ask you to come and see them that day/early the next day.